Knowmia has good captioning tools. But it can be quite time-consuming with longer videos (5 minutes or more). With those longer video files it is easier to create the captions in Otter and then import them to Knowmia.
These steps assume that you have already imported the video to Knowmia and have also already created and exported the Otter-generated captions.
In Knowmia, click on the video to open it to "view" mode.
Then click on "Accessibility" in the options list below the video. (You may need to scroll a bit to see it.)

You'll find the "Import" button in the upper-right corner of the caption editor screen.

At the next screen, navigate to the location on your device where you've saved the SRT file that you created and downloaded from Otter. Then select and open the file that corresponds with your video.

The captions are immediately inserted into your video's timeline. Now you can just publish that result.

Otter will have already set the timing of the captions to align correctly with the video. If you took the time to do your caption editing in Otter, there is nothing more for you to do in Knowmia. You're done!
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