This article shows how to add a profile picture and header picture to personalize your Portfolium page.
About the Picture and Background Images
You can choose any images you wish. These images represent you. So ensure they are as professional as your artistic and academic work.
If you make your own original profile and background images, there are dimensions that work best (don't require cropping).
- Profile Picture: 250 x 250 px (pixels)
- Background Photo: 1250 x 350 px (pixels)
Display the Profile Page Settings

You can use a self-portrait or an icon/avatar for this picture.

You can use any image you wish. The background image tends to appear darker than normal on the profile page. If you're an artist, and use an image created by someone else, be sure to indicate who created it. (You can type the artist name in Photoshop. Or you can mention the creator on your Welcome page.)

Exit Profile Editing Mode
When you are done, you can save your changes. You also have the option to cancel (and undo) any changes.

Below are links to images used to create the picture and background shown above.
You can come back to change these images at any time. So don't worry if they don't look perfect on your first try.