IAIA Help - Faculty

Arthur Sze (Creative Writing) Classroom

Updated on

This classroom is equipped with an Apple TV and cabling to connect to the monitor.

Weak WiFi Performance - This classroom often suffers from weak WiFi signals. This can be particularly difficult if you run a Zoom session for your class.

  • Wired network connection is recommended.
  • Be sure to connect to the IAIA_Staff_1G network
If you use a MacBook Laptop (click to view details)

There is a single multiport adapter you can plug into a USB-C port on your Mac. It does the following:

  • Connects you to the meeting tower
  • Connects you to a wired Internet connection
  • Powers your laptop (via a new power supply added to the setup)
  • Note: It is recommended that you use the Apple TV (via AirPlay) to project your screen (not the HDMI cable)

Before You connect via Airplay - Make sure you are connected to the IAIA_Staff or IAIA_Staff_1G WiFi network

If you use a Windows Laptop

Make connections as follows...

  • Connect the separate Ethernet cable to your laptop
  • Unplug the USB cable for the meeting tower from the adapter, and connect it to your laptop
  • Use the HDMI cable hanging from the back of the monitor to display your screen
  • After your class session...
  • Please plug the Meeting Tower USB cable back into the multiport Adapter
  • Please hang the HDMI cable back behind the monitor (don't plug it into the multiport adapter)
  • Unplug the ethernet cable
Troubleshooting Monitor Connections

If the monitor doesn't display your screen within a half minute, please...

  1. Turn the monitor off via the Samsung Remote, wait a few seconds, then turn it back on.
  2. Your screen should start to project less than a half-minute after you turn the monitor back on.


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