IAIA Help - Faculty

Olive Room (Computer Classroom)

Updated on

This classroom is equipped with a long HDMI cable connection to a 60" 4K monitor.

Connecting to the Monitor

If you use the Instructor's iMac (click to view details)

There is a single multiport adapter you can plug into Thunderbolt port on the iMac. It does the following:

  • Connects you via an HDMI cable to the monitor behind the Instructor's desk
  • Connects to sound on the monitor
  • Connects you to the meeting tower (if classroom is equipped with one this term)
  • Adapter plugs into a Thunderbolt port on back of the iMac
figure of Thunderbolt port on iMac
If you use a MacBook laptop...

There is a single multiport adapter you can plug into a USB-C port on your Mac. It does the following:

  • Connects you to the monitor behind the Instructor's desk
  • Connects to sound on the monitor
  • Connects you to the meeting tower (if classroom is equipped with one)

Make connections as follows...

  • Unplug the multiport adapter from the back of the iMac
  • Plug the adapter into a Thunderbolt port on your MacBook
  • After your class session...
  • Please plug the multiport adapter back into a Thunderbolt port on the iMac (see figure below).
figure of Thunderbolt port on iMac
Troubleshooting Monitor Connections

If the monitor doesn't display your screen within a half minute, please...

  1. Try checking the input on the monitor's remote (HDMI 2 - ARC)
  2. Once you find the right input the screen should display once you select it on the laptop.

Showing Your Screen on the Monitor

Follow these steps to switch on the monitor, then display the the screen on any Mac.

Make sure the soundbar has the right input

The Orange Room has a soundbar connected to the monitor via an optical cable. You'll want to ensure that the soundbar plays through the TV.


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