You can add a file to any discussion posting, so long as your instructor has enabled this feature.
Tip! - You can add more than one file in Step 2 below:
- Mac - hold down the Command key as you click each file
- Windows - hold down the Control key as you click each file
If your instructor did not enable the attachment feature, you won't see the Attach button in Step 2 below.

You can continue typing anywhere in the discussion posting after placing the file. You can place more than one file by repeating the steps above.
Part I: Uploading image(s) in Files
You must upload your images first to Files. Otherwise, you will not be able to embed the images within the discussion post.

Part II: Embedding image(s) in a Discussion post


You can continue typing anywhere in the discussion posting after placing the file. You can place more than one image as long as you upload them to the Files first before you embed.
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