IAIA Help - Faculty

Using a Meeting Tower with an iPad

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An iPad cannot control a Meeting Tower. However, you can sidestep this limitation by using an iPad in conjunction with a laptop or desktop computer.

Read Me First - Sequence to Start Zoom Meeting

Follow the steps below to set up your Zoom meeting with the Meeting Tower.

  1. Connect the Meeting Tower to a desktop or laptop computer. 
  2. Connect to the 4K monitor, set up mirroring, etc. 
  3. Start your Zoom meeting. 
  4. After a pause, the Meeting Tower should take over the audio and mic. 
  5. Use the video setting button to select the Meeting Owl Pro as the video source. 
  6. Taking care to not join the audio → Join the meeting from your iPad
  7. When asked, choose reclaim host.

Visual Connection Sequence

If you accidentally join the audio from your iPad, an echo effect will happen. Use the steps below to disconnect from the audio.

Sharing Your iPad Screen (Broadcasting)

Use the following steps to share any app on your iPad:

  1. Tap the Share Content button on the Zoom controls
  2. Choose Broadcast Screen
  3. Tap Screen
  4. Reclaim Host
  5. Open the app you wish to share

Special Settings

Video Example

What the Video Looks Like (click here to view)

The Meeting Tower displays a special view to remote participants. It doesn't appear this way on your screen, but it will to your remote students.

Audio Settings for Mac and Windows (details)

Mac Settings (click here to view)

Set the Meeting Owl as the Audio, Speaker, and Video source.

Mac Audio/Mic Settings (click here to view)

If you can't hear meeting participants, or they don't hear you clearly, review your Sound settings.

Widows Settings (click here to view)

Start your Zoom meeting, then check to ensure the Meeting Owl is set as the source for Audio, Speakers, and Video.

Adjusting Windows Audio (click here to view)

If you have difficulty hearing or being heard, double-check your Windows Sound settings.
(Images below have not yet been edited.)

Zoom Meeting ID: 164-661-993
Zoom Meeting ID: 164-661-993


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