The Syllabus element in Canvas displays a summary of all course discussions, assignments, and quizzes. This section can also contain a copy of your course syllabus
Read Me:
Always link your course syllabus document on the Canvas syllabus page. This standard makes it easy for all IAIA students to locate it in every Canvas course.
🚫Never copy and paste the contents syllabus document onto the syllabus page. This long, scrolling page makes it difficult for students to access for specific information. It also pushes useful assignment info on the Syllabus page far from view.
Quick Start:
Display the Syllabus element, then click Edit.

This step is recommended. For one thing, it's more difficult for someone to modify. This step takes about 30 seconds.

Upload the Syllabus - click to view

Add the Syllabus Description and Link
[Copy and paste the description below, then modify, or create your own description from scratch]
Below is a summary of course activities. The link in red immediately below is the course syllabus. It contains information on what the course covers, significant assignments, and how your coursework will be evaluated.
Link to the Course Syllabus

Make sure you Publish your course, to make it visible to your students
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